[DF Logo Contest] Win a Amazon Fire TV or $100 Gift Card

Tomorrow is the last day of the logo contest folks! Feel free to use tonight to cram as many creative ideas in as possible! Good luck!
Something different! :p
tiff is available.
last one - this is the "serious" one.

This was fun!
Thank you all,​
Contest is officially over AND we have our work cut out for us. There are so many killer entries we're going to take the weekend to decide our winner, so stay tuned!

Everyone who entered deserves a round of applause, there are so many great entries we cannot clearly pick a winner quickly. Great job everyone!!!!!
We all get Amazon TV!!!!!!! Hahahahahaha!

But seriously, damn good job to everyone that entered! Can't wait to see the winning design! Corey........ I hate you lol j/k
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Although the contest is over, I wanted to suggest a twist. Have a runner-up, and they get the prize that the winner didn't choose? Just a thought. Good luck everyone!
I also wanted to ask that question. About winner