Direct Dial Shortcut is nice!

I used the side screen..but I need to delete some contacts placed there. How can i delete them??
I used the side screen..but I need to delete some contacts placed there. How can i delete them??

Go to the contact you want deleted on the side screen. Hold your finger on it for 2 secs and you'll see the tab at the bottom turns into a trash can. Just drag your contact icon to the trash can.
You are are brilliant!!!!!! Thank you<thank you sooo much!!!
Works perfectly!!! Now i can sleep tonight!!!
does anyone know of an app or setting that groups your call log?

For example.... i called Home once jordan 5x today and then Lia twice..... I wanna call home again and instead of scrolling past LIA twice and Jordan five times i wanna jus see ONE Lia ONE Jordan and ONE Home.

Any ideas?
I long press on the home screen, choose shortcuts, and direct dial is NOT listed as an option. Should this be there for the droid 2? Why would mine be missing?