Do not install maps update on your rezound

Is it just me, or is it taking google a long time to put a fix on what is clearly a known bug? Maybe I'm being unrealistic.....
hotsaucecommittee said:
Is it just me, or is it taking google a long time to put a fix on what is clearly a known bug? Maybe I'm being unrealistic.....

Google does not think it is their bug. Only the HTC Rezound is having the issue. Have 6.10.0 on my tablet and it works fine. I think we will see a small incremental update to the RZ ICS to fix it. That will take a bit of time.

When my Tablet gets the next Maps update, I will try it on the RZ.
And the Rezound does NOT have the issue with ROMs prior to 3.14.605.10 (Gingerbread or ICS) or any of the 4.3.605.x firmwares. The problem is just with 3.4.605.10 and 3.14.605.12, which just happens to be the current "official" release.

So maybe we need to start complaining to Verizon and HTC
I am using EXACTLY this APK on my phone, and at my part time job of delivering pizza, and I use the voice navigation and speech recognition multiple times every night with no problems. I would suggest uninstalling any existing updates you have, reboot and download the APK again and install it (Make sure you have unknown sources enabled in your settings->security or it won't work properly). Also make sure you don't have Automatic Updates enabled for the Maps application on the Play Store, or it will all be for nothing anyway.
Weirdest thing. Did all that, and it is using the default Android voice instead of my SVOX voice, and only giving basic directions. The 6.10 (just before crashing) asked me to choose which voice to use the first time I went into Navigation. The stock version just uses SXOX like it should. Maybe I need to dsiable SVOX, get Navigation working, and re-enable (or just wait for the bug fix or the ICS bug fix update).

Thanks, Maps 6.9.2 seems to work on my Rezound

Google Maps 6.9.2 - APKTOP

Near the bottom, below the play store link.

I posted on this forum earlier and had gone back to the first Maps, but 6.9.2 seems to work just fine. Thanks! Had to go in and allow the phone to accept downloads from a non=Play Store source, because it seemed all I could get on Play Store was 6.10. I also went to the HTC website and reported the bug with the Rezound. Hopefully they will address it.

Coach Dave
Is it just me, or is it taking google a long time to put a fix on what is clearly a known bug? Maybe I'm being unrealistic.....

All Rezound owners should send e-mail to HTC, Google and wireless carrier regarding this issue. In addition, go to google Play Store and submit a negative review for Google maps version 6.10.0.
Islander53 said:
All Rezound owners should send e-mail to HTC, Google and wireless carrier regarding this issue. In addition, go to google Play Store and submit a negative review for Google maps version 6.10.0.

I agree completely
All Rezound owners should send e-mail to HTC, Google and wireless carrier regarding this issue. In addition, go to google Play Store and submit a negative review for Google maps version 6.10.0.
I DISAGREE, the problem here is NOT Google or HTC.. the problem is Verizon!!! We should all get on them as much as possible, they already have the answer but are acting like the slow, uncaring corporation that they are!

First off, Google is not at fault here (although they might be able to make a fix), Google Maps works fine on almost all devices, the exception is the HTC Rezound (and HTC Sensation, but I don't know anything about this device), it also only occurs when using firmware 3.14.605.10 and 3.14.605.12 (and custom ROM's based off of one of these), the later being Verizon's current official version. HTC has already given Verizon the new 4.3.605.2 version, and this has no issues with Maps, it works perfectly, so why should HTC try to fix an old version of software when they already have a new version that fixes the problem? They shouldn't have to even worry about it, they already have a fix.

Verizon has the answer, all they need to do is push it out and the problem with Maps is solved... so is most people's issues with high battery temperature, poor battery performance, signal drops, laggy performance, and most other issues people complain about in with the ICS update. EVERYONE I have talked to irl or online has said it is a huge improvement over the 3.14.605.12 version in all aspects, so why are is Verizon doing nothing? I think it is because they hate Google and HTC but are forced by the market to deal with them, and they will do anything they can to discredit Google and HTC in the eyes of the consumer. I can think of no other logical answer as to why VZW has not pushed out the solution to most people's ICS problems, including the Maps issue!

My two cents worth, take it for what it's worth!
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I flashed to the approved and pushed out HTC update and got rid of the leaked version. Maps (even updating as asked) now works without causing my hone to reboot. In fact, in limited testing, it appears that even my Map My Hike app now works correctly. When I usd the leaked version, there seemed to be GPS issues. So, overall, I would recommend the updat to the slightly newer version.
I flashed to the approved and pushed out HTC update and got rid of the leaked version. Maps (even updating as asked) now works without causing my hone to reboot. In fact, in limited testing, it appears that even my Map My Hike app now works correctly. When I usd the leaked version, there seemed to be GPS issues. So, overall, I would recommend the updat to the slightly newer version.
Wait... I am a little confused by this... what version did you flash to your phone? The "leaked" version (4.3.605.2) is the one that fixes everything and the official version (3.14.605.12) is the one that causes all the problems. Are you saying your experience is the OPPOSITE of that?
I flashed to the version listed in another thread as the official OTA update just put out over the last few weeks. Previous to that I had a .12 build which had come out in June IIRC. Right now I'm running 4.03.605.2 Android version 4.0.3. Previous I had the leaked 4.03.605.12.

There was a first leak I think sometime in May, then a second leak with the .1 and then a third leak .12 and then the OTA update is supposedly .2. It is listed in another thread. My phone is running the .2 version and was the .12 before.

the update saved my gallery and photos but removed all apps and other items. It was like a half reset in a way.
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Pay attention to the FULL version numbers, not just the last position...

All previous ICS ROM's for this device were 3.1x.605.xx, versions that include the Global Mode update are 4.3.605.x

This is NOT the same as the Android version, which for the Rezound has always been based on Android Ice Cream Sandwich version 4.0.3

Then there is also a different hboot version, radio versions, kernel versions... you get the point, just gotta watch the version numbers closely, sometimes they are a little wonky.
Yes, I went back and looked. Either way, it is a newer version than the ones leaked previous and maps no longer crashes for me... At the moment anyway.
Maps is known to be usable and stable for extended periods of time with the 4.3.605.2 leaked RUU, with the only exception being one user on XDA but I have a sneaking suspicion he did not install the full RUU, just the firmware portion and left the radios and hboot intact from an older version since he stated it did not wipe his data and he didn't do a factory reset (he is a ROM developer, so who knows what he did exactly)