Haters gonna hate because proper grammar on an internet forum is so crucial.
I'm not upset, calling me a kid isn't quite the insult you think it is either. Not to rip on the mods or anything, I've been on multiple forums long enough to know that if you enforce some guidelines, you can avoid a cluster**** of threads relating to the same problem. Not much of a complaint towards people either much rather then the system. If you leave it alone it will organize its self.
On a side note, I'm getting better at typing on my Droid.
Edit: hmmmm I guess a guide compilation thread to issues and such wouldn't such a bad idea? I'm really procrasinating on a report I have to publish so I don't have time to make one. I haven't checked but there should be a FAQ around here
I'm not upset, calling me a kid isn't quite the insult you think it is either. Not to rip on the mods or anything, I've been on multiple forums long enough to know that if you enforce some guidelines, you can avoid a cluster**** of threads relating to the same problem. Not much of a complaint towards people either much rather then the system. If you leave it alone it will organize its self.
On a side note, I'm getting better at typing on my Droid.
Edit: hmmmm I guess a guide compilation thread to issues and such wouldn't such a bad idea? I'm really procrasinating on a report I have to publish so I don't have time to make one. I haven't checked but there should be a FAQ around here
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