X rocks !
I got my X a week after launch. Before deciding to go for an X, I played around with it quite a bit at the local verizon store. The store model had a slighlty laggy UI, just like what a few people are saying, but the X that I got did not seem to have that issue at all. I'm putting it down to the store X running many apps in the background / not having the OTA update. And with 2.2 due soon, I'm sure that things can only get better.
Hardware: Love the large screen with lots of real estate, espcially when browsing the internet. It has made my netbook almost redundant. Not quite satisified with the placement of the back button though. Makes it difficult to opreate the phone one handed some times (you have to hold it low to easily access the back button). I personally would have preferred the back button (or an extra one) next to the volume rockers on the right (that is just me). The phone is not as big as it is made out to be and is pretty comfortable to hold and make calls, etc. Though I will say that it is not for small hands.
Battery: Battery life is average. I am not a heavy user but I almost cannot not make it through a day with a single charge. But that is Android for you. Will be looking to an aftermarket upgrade to the battery or a spare one in the near future.
Motoblur: I don't know what the whole deal is about. It is pretty minimal and mostly non-intrusive (provided you don't go all gung-ho signing into all your social networks as soon as you unbox the X, a little thinking can help in this case). Most of the so called 'motojunk' are all home screen widgets that can be easily deleted. Heck, if you can read and can follow instructions, just root it and remove all of blur or just replace the whole interface with a different app launcher.
Social Networking: if you do not want the unified social networking experience that blur provides, just install the stand alone android apps for twitter/facebook/myspace and don't access them through blur's social networking hub. I'm not big into social networking, but I still love the whole integration thing that the X has. It does puke over all the contacts from your social networks, email over you phone contacts, but it is very easy to link multiple contacts together from different sources (phone, social, email) into a single unified contact.
Other Apps: Google integration is simply awesome. Everything, gmail, maps, google talk, google voice, calendar, picasa, voice search work as they should. Add that to the other add on google apps like gesture search, translate, places, text to speech, goggles, sky map and this is one complete package from google. Swype is a phenomenal, do not miss the physical keyboard at all.
I recently switched over to Verizon and researched / played around with all for the current breed of smartphones (iPhone4, evo, nexus one, incredible and the X) before going in for the X and Verizon and I'm totally satisfied with my decision and love the X. The previous poster rightly said, it grows on you.