Do you use physical keyboard?

Not very often - it all depends upon how much text I need to enter. If it's just a few key strokes then I use the virtual KB. If it's more than that I may use the physical KB. I don't find it all that bad. Any KB that size is going to be problematic. It's not meant for touch-typing!

Then again, I'm not a big texter. If I were I might feel differently.
I tend to use the virtual keybord mostly but will use physical keyboard when surfing the internet and want the webpage in full view
I use the physical keyboard.. coming from a Treo, I wanted a physical keyboard. I can't use the Droid's keyboard with on hand like ya could with the Treo.

I picked the Droid up around 8:15a locally Friday and by Sunday I noticed my speed with it was picking up. I expected this... everything is hard until you learn. I expect that the learning curve is less with the virtual keyboard cause you're using a single finger *and* word completion. Maybe some/most of you are hunt and pecker type typers anyway?

Im a touch typer so am used to not looking as much at they keyboard... I can go fast with the physical keyboard.

One thing I want, the ability to have word completion available, especially for longer words.. anyone know how to pop that up with the physical keyboard?
PK for me. As a BB user, I'm used to the physical one. And I used to have Sidekicks, so I am good with a keyboard.
I go back and forth...............
Just cause I can
I am a long-time proponent of physical keyboards - a veritable evangelist! The real tactile response is unique to physical keyboards and I have told everyone I've discussed this with why this is.

For this reason, I steer clear of iPhones and the like, and have, instead, stuck with a series of Windows Mobile phones with keyboards. I even tried the LG Dare thinking I could change - BLAH! I changed again to an LG Voyager.

And yet, somehow, I am now using the virtual one most of the time!

Sure, If there is some real typing to be done, the physical keyboard comes out and I'm glad it's there - wouldn't have it any other way. But a couple words - virtual is just fine.

Actually, I'm using the Talk to Me keyboard and speaking my texts in short bursts, lately. I'm so much faster at talking than typing - it's pretty cool!
I use the physical keyboard for almost everything. It seems to have gotten softer for me almost like ive broken it in.
Droid should arive fedex today... I have 30 days to figure of if I can deal with any of the 3 keyboards... Looking forward to the evaluation...
i use the physical keyboard the majority of the time.. i loved the keyboard on my old Moto Q, so i love the feel of actual keys... soft keyboards are cool, but in my own opinion, nothing compares to the touchpal brand of soft keys :)