I had something weird happen today.....I charged my battery yesterday and this morning was at 80%. Went to work checked email, still at 80%. Talked to my wife for about 5 min. then it said 5%. I was thinking how the hell can I lose 75% in a matter of a few minutes. I charged to 100% and now it's 7 hrs later and at 80%. Very weird I hope I dont see it do that again!
How are you determining the percentage?
Is it an app you downloaded or are you looking at the phone itself?
I purchased an app called "battery widget" as although I liked it, I soon figured out it was sometimes inaccurate not reflecting what the phone reported.
In fact I had the same symptom as you and it seemed to hang on 90% while the phone had dropped all the way to 70%, it didn't reflect it.
After checking the phone percentage, it refreshed and the app then reported the correct percentage.
I have since used an app called "batterylife"... I've never had it be inaccurate.
It shows battery temp, voltage in mv, type "LiIon" and of course percentage.
It always shows the same as the phone.
The phone report is found by going to settings--->about phone--->status--- battery level.