The new features to be able to use the keyboard buttons is great.
You mentioned that you have temporarily disabled some security features. So would you advise us to avoid websites where we have to enter in passwords for now?
Yes, that would be good. The possibility of someone dissecting our protocol and tracing your traffic is low, unless you are yourself a very high-value target. But, what you type on your phone is visible through your network.
However, websites that your browser (on the PC) knows the credentials for are safe.
To make the D-Pad scroll your browser, do this:
1) Using your phone, interact with your PC
2) Open a browser
3) Navigate to a page that can be scrolled (where scroll-bars are)
4) Make sure that (a) the browser window has the input focus, and (b) that your cursor is over the browser. This is easily done by pressing the Search button to show the cursor, then simply tapping once on the browser. You can press Search again to hide the cursor, but it will remain over the browser window.
Now, when you press D-Pad up/down, the browser window will scroll.
Consequently, what PhoneMyPC is doing is sending the same input that would be sent when you roll your mouse wheel up or down. So, play a little with this on the PC and learn when it works and when it doesn't. For example, in most cases, it won't work when the cursor is not over the window you want to scroll.
Warm regards,
Makers of PhoneMyPC