Take one in better light - florescent or sunlight seems to bring out the best in the Droid cam. To answer your question, I think it is normal. Someone else that is satisfied with their Droid pics post a low-light to compare.
I agree, sunlight seems to be best.
All taken with the stock camera app, I do not have the OTA update.
I have noticed that some of the pics I have taken, indoors, in low light, do come out kind of grainy. But when the light is good, the pic comes out great, it's a camera phone, not my DSLR, so I expect this.
For comparison sake, here are three pics, first two are indoors, in low photo light, I think there was one light on in the first pic.
In this pic, the ceiling is vaulted, over 10 feet, walls are kind of dark in color, overcast outside, 5pm'ish, two lights on in the corner, the lighting was really horrible.
Full sunlight
Blinds partially closed
Those two above came out a bit overexposed, which seems to be a problem with bright direct sunlight.
This pic, was taken during the day, when the sun was out. Light was great.
Lighting makes a HUGE HUGE difference on whether or not your pic turns out grainy or not. Generally low light, indoor shots suck.