FIXED !! I don't get duplicate text message anymore - I went to the Verizon Wireless store and they wanted to give me a new phone and I told the technician that I didn't wanna do that unless I had to so please try to fix the problem rather then pushing me out the door telling me I'll get a new phone in 2 days.
He called the Verizon help desk, thank god the tech on the phone was willing to try and fix my phone
after 3 battery pulls and 2 activations everything seamed to be good to go.
I asked the tech on the phone what he did, he said he deactivated my phone completely and then activated it again thinking if there was a mix up in the system then that would clear it up.
So give Verizon a call and tell them what's going on and ask them to deactivate your phone and reactivate.
Good Luck !!!!!