Download: LauncherPro Plus


Super Mod/News Team
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Jan 27, 2010
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Lafayette Hill, Pa
Current Phone Model
HTC One M8
Introducing the new LauncherPro Plus!

So last week I promised you big news coming to LauncherPro. It took a bit longer than I expected, but hopefully it was worth the wait!

One of the features I get requested the most is to support HTC Sense widgets. It seems everyone wants them. Because of the way these widgets are built into the HTC Sense launcher itself, this is simply not possible. And since not every Android user has a phone with HTC Sense, these widgets are not even available to all users.

Today I’m glad to announce a new milestone in LauncherPro’s history.

Starting today, there’s a new version called LauncherPro Plus, which will contain several widgets, exclusive to LauncherPro Plus users.

Upcoming widgets include:

  • People Widget – To quickly access all your contacts, or just your favorites, or a particular group. (Included in this release)
  • Bookmarks Widget – Quick access to your browser’s bookmarks
  • Friends Widget – Lists your friend’s status updates from Facebook and Twitter, and lets you update your own status too.
  • Calendar/Agenda Widget – Shows you a calendar you can scroll through to switch months, and also lets you see your agenda for any particular day right within the widget.
  • Messaging – Scroll through a list of your SMS messages or one by one. Quick links to delete messages, reply, etc.
I’ll be adding these widgets over the next couple of weeks. The “People” widget is available right now to LauncherPro Plus users. There’s going to be other features in the future that will be available only to Plus users too.

Here’s a few screenshots of the People widget:

Pretty cool, eh?

Now, as you can imagine, LauncherPro Plus is not free. I’ve been working full-time on LauncherPro for the past two months without making a single penny. Obviously I can’t keep devoting all my time to it without making any money, so hopefully enough of you will buy the Plus version to keep the project alive.

The early-bird price for LauncherPro Plus is only $2.99 USD, and you can buy it today through Paypal using this link. The price will most likely go up once all widgets are included, so you’ll want to get in early to enjoy the discount.

I haven’t made it available through the Android market because unfortunately I don’t live in one of the few countries that Google allows to sell paid apps from. And there’s stil a huge amount of people (including myself) who live in countries where paid apps aren’t even available to purchase. (Way to go, Google!)

Another good thing about this new Plus version is that, if sales go well enough, I’ll be able to actually hire programmers to help me develop LauncherPro even faster. So even if you don’t have a use for these widgets, you should consider buying the Plus version to support the future development of LauncherPro.

Click here to buy LauncherPro Plus now for only $2.99 USD!


Hope you’ll be as excited as I am about this new era of LauncherPro. Fede

NOTE: This is NOT available in the market.

Introducing the new LauncherPro Plus!
Definitely buying! So worth the $3 for all the options LP has.. one quick question, will the free version continue to get update..and how will us Pro users get updates if it isnt in the market
Definitely buying! So worth the $3 for all the options LP has.. one quick question, will the free version continue to get update..and how will us Pro users get updates if it isnt in the market

Thats all the info I saw, other then that the price will go up later once more widgets are added, so cheaper I guess if you get it now.
I have used LauncherPro Beta from the beginning and I really like it. With the past few ROMs I've tried it starts to slow down terribly (reloads the app drawer every time, 5-10 seconds to rebuild home screens etc.).

I wonder if the Pro version any different than the Beta (excluding widgets)?

I really don't want to jump ship but the lag is making me crazy!!
I read through the comments on his site.. he is working on adding an update feature to the market for Pro users.. and also all features of Beta will be in the Pro.

I still wonder if he is done with the beta version or will keep improving that
I like Launcher Pro.

I'm not real big on the social networking stuff however so the people widgets and what not to me are fluff. Cool for others however :)

I would like to see the SMS widget and the bookmarks widget. Those do interest me :)

I'll be giving this a run when it makes it's way to the Market.
has anybody purchased this yet? I just installed it on my droid x and when i tap a persons name in the people widget it pulls up their contact card rather then the little popup it shows in the screenshots. Any ideas on that?
hmmm...tried the people widget and selected Favorites but nothing fills in the widget. Anyone have any idea?
has anybody purchased this yet? I just installed it on my droid x and when i tap a persons name in the people widget it pulls up their contact card rather then the little popup it shows in the screenshots. Any ideas on that?

Looks like Motorola did not include that option on the X. On my original Moto Droid I could click on someone's picture and I would get that little popup for phone, txt, etc. Now when I click on someone's photo on the X it goes straight to the contact card. Looks like it's an X issue, not a LP issue.
this looks good, and i will get it eventually because i love LP, but if its not on the market, how can we get updates and not have to pay for them?
how do you install it? i downloaded it and its a zip file

Edit: nvm i got it
I'm hooked on ADW right now, but I've used LP in the past and I like where it's going. $3 coming your way.
i cant get the facebook profile pics show up, but everything else works great!