just pop'n in to let you know how every thing went. i appreciate your Pm but I went ahead and tried this first for the hell of it. I'll start off from the sbf with liberty boot issue.
I did a sbf flash to factory which left me with a liberty boot animation and all my apps and settings where retained some how.
addition sbf flashes did nothing, I booted into the default android recovery menu (power+home) and did a data/factory reset.. after doing this everything was back to normal and my phone exactly like it was out-of-box.
at this point I did nothing more then a OTA update to 2.3.3 gingerbread.
I used the "one-click-root" app you linked me to in a previous post (worked flawlessly and quickly)
I then installed droid2boot strapper, liberty tool box (donate), and clockwork recovery mod.
In liberty tool box (donate) I downloaded the Liberty gingerbread 9.0. this saves "a file" to /sdcard/liberty/nightlies/ as lgbdx09main
the liberty tool box app (or the server the file is located on) has it named incorrectly. the there is no .zip file extension on it. after you download it, it will ask if you want to install it.. say not right now or "add to queue" and just close it out. use the a file manager or just plug it to your pc and rename it to have a .zip extension. (if you're on win 7 or vista you may need to go into control panel > folder optoins > view(tab) > and choose "show file extensions". add the .zip to the end of the name.
disconnect from your pc (or close your file manager app) and make sure you sd is mounted (your phone should do this on its own).
open up your clockwork recovery mod app and make sure you install the clockwork recovery boot menu for your specific phone. tell it to reboot into recovery.
once in the recovery menu scroll down (up and down volume buttons) and choose "install .zip from sdcard" (camera button to make selections)
search for the lgdbx09main.zip (the file you just renamed) and start loading it.
once the "flash" was complete I was set and on liberty gingerbread 9.0 .. so far with little to no issues
gingerbread does not seem 100% stable on the droid x. my liberty copy is not perfect and my room mates phone is on verizon official OTA software and its not perfect either.
anyway, thanks for the help all

and hopefully some one else with similar issues runs into this problem and hopefully this will help