If the Droid 2 is also having partial wake issues. You'll be able to check it by going to your hidden menu(*#*#INFO#*#*) > Battery History > Other Usage. If your running percentage is near 100% or dramatically different than your screen on percentage after letting your phone sit with the screen of for a while, then you probably have a partial wake problem like the no sleep bug.
And Verizon and Motorola sell extended batteries.
OK, guys, I don't have a Droid 2, but on Droid X this is the workaround(to the best of my knowledge):
1)turn off gps setting when done using
2)turn off wifi when done using
3)after charging, unplug phone from charger, shut down phone, start up phone. if phone was off when charging, start up phone, unplug phone, shut down phone, start up phone
NONE of this should be necessary, but because of one or more bugs--on the Droid X anyway--it is.
Unrelated to this bug, if Cell standby is high, dial *228 to update PRLs.
Dial *#*#4636#*#* or use an app like Spare Parts to analyze your battery usage. Uninstall any problem apps/widgets/live wallpapers