UPDATE (3/19/2012): The most recent D2G update (4.5.629) currently has no known root exploits, and cannot be downgraded via SBF. Only D2Gs on Froyo (2.2) or Gingerbread (2.3) prior to the most recent update have the ability to be rooted.
NOTE: It appears that Verizon has put a carrier lock on the device for US GSM carriers. You will not be able to use this device on AT&T or T-Mobile in its current state, even if SIM unlocked, unless you send your phone in to DroidBandUnlock. They charge $100 for the service and it only works on certain software versions. Read more here.
SGMD, may be time to update this again.
There is now a way to root and SBF back from 4.5.629, [How-to]unbricking downgraded 629 & root normal function OTA 629 - Droid 2 / R2D2 / Milestone 2 / Droid 2 Global - RootzWiki
The last bit, the exploit is now available free, TBH US GSM Band Unlock for Droid 2 Global and Pro Public Release - MyDroidWorld