Are we sure that this works with 2.3.2 (method 1 root)??
I used the -> manual update to 2.3.2, and lost root as expected.
I tried your root method 1 in this thread and all seemed to go well. But when i rebooted and tried to get SU permissions it gets denied. SU in terminal results in "permission denied".
One note, not sure if its related, but without USB debugging enabled the "./rage*.bin" step failed with "Cannot find adb: No such file or directory". I then retried with debugging enabled, and it was fine after that. Still no SU after reboot though.
Superuser permission app is in my launcher screen, and it works fine.
Figured out my own problem:
It seems when update to 2.3.2 and break root, the remnants of the root procedure from 2.2.2 (su, Superuser.apk, etc) need to be removed before redoing the root. At least, they did for me. I followed these instructions from here:
Except, instead of the "su" step, which wont work, i subbed in the following:Undoing the damage, if you decide to unroot.
- open your trusty terminal app
- you should see a $ symbol, now do the following
- su
- now you should see a # symbol
- mount -o rw,remount -t ext3 /dev/block/mmcblk1p21 /system
- rm /system/app/Superuser.apk
- rm /system/bin/su
* rm /system/bin/busybox
- mount -o ro,remount -t ext3 /dev/block/mmcblk1p21 /system
- reboot your phone. Toda, no more root
- cd /tmp
- cp /sdcard/rage*.bin /tmp/
- chmod 777 rage*.bin
- ./rage*.bin
- force stop terminal, restart terminal
and then continued removing root "remnants".
After the reboot, i then i re-applied the rooting procedure and it works now.
Also, pc747, i noticed after looking at Eousphoros guide and yours, you are missing a step to make sure USB debugging is enabled. I think most will figure it out themselves, but it might save some questions later.
I will make that note, thanks for the addition.