I'd go with the X or Fascinate. The Fascinate and X are about even, they have their pluses and minuses, but it all comes down to what you want. they are the top 2 Android phones out for Verizon currently.
I thought I needed a physical keyboard as well when I got my original Droid. After about a week, I found myself using the physical keyboard less and less until I never used it.
X and Fascinate "about even" ???.... too funny, take away all the hype about the SA screen, and there is really no comparison IMHO, just the specs alone make that very clear. smaller screen size, smaller internal memory, 5mp camera, no HDMI out, etc, mostly plastic case, vs mostly aluminum....not what I would call "about even"
BUT, everyone has their own opinion and needs/wants/prorities. Please don't take my comments personal, not picking on you you or your phone, it is still a HUGE step from what was previous available including the venerable D1 (but I am sure you already know that

Just trying to toss some actual spec comparisons out there and keep it real for the OP.
I also agree with you 100% about hard keyboard... since Novemeber the only time I ever used the HK on my D1 after the first week was to hold down the "x" key to get into recovery
Damn.. no one mentions the HTC incredible?? I got it over the x. X was just too big and Motorola blur sux.. just my opinion..
Its funny, I have used Stock Android and HTC Sense (1.6, 2.1, 2.2) since last November....IMHO if you look up the definition of "sux" in the dictionary... it just says "HTC Sense"!
Ha, Ha....OK, OK, it's not that bad (I guess), I just don't like it, too "invasive" for me...and that is just my opinion also
Curious how long did you use the DX MotoBlur to think that it "sux"??? I thought that at first also...and was determined to remove it from the DX even before bought it.
BUT, now that I have been using MotoBlur for almost 2 months... and once I started actually using and understanding it, I get it...well about 80% of it..some stuff needs to be "fixed". The good stuff in it is far superior to normal Android (and not as "overdone" as HTC Sense)...once you actually use it for a while and grasp the concept.
Basically most of it is like normal Android..but customized. Like the Contacts for example, open up Contacts, it looks like plain Android...but you can swipe left and you can see a summary of all Call activity, Texts and E-mails, with all your Contacts...swipe right to see all "Social" activity with all the Contacts....you can do the same swipe left and right) with each individual Contact and see the same just with them... Stock Android should take note...it is a handy feature, again once you get it. AND actually having 1 digit Speed Dialing settings, what a novel concept on a phone(duh). FYI, the Desk Clock also has this swipe to different screens and you can put rows of what ever Icon/Shortcut/Widgets YOU want on the bottom of each of the 3 screens...one more Android needs to look at. There are many more similar "enhancements, once you dig into to it.
I can go on and on, but Blur isn't as bad as a lot of people (that most have never taken the time to use and understand it) say it is...but as usual that is just my opinion, however I was about as hard core PURE Android person as you could have ever met and have been since November.,...until a month ago.
FYI, I have an Inc here too, once you get used to an X...the Inc is way too small...at least for me. Once you go 4.3' you can go back, the rest feel like little toys in my hands when I pick them up now. Not being mean, just relaying my honest perception, it seriously is such an odd feeling to pick up the Inc or D1 now....and the first thought everytime is how the heck did I even use that small screen all this time (since November on D1).
FWIW, I loved my Droid 1, and my wife still uses and loves it... and the comments about the size of the X are silly IMHO...my Droid X will fit in my D1 Leather case (it's tight for both)...the extra 1/4" width of the DX is made up for by the thiner DX compared to the D1/2. Sure it's a 1/2" taller...but only girls think a 1/2" is a big deal...OH NO, I didn't...opps, I guess I did, sorry didn't mean to be unPC
If I were the OP and HAD to have a hard keyboard and was cool with HTC Sense (millions are) and how HTC phones "feel", then I would wait for the new HTC coming to Verizon (G2 clone?) ...If I didn't like HTC Sense...and had to have a hard keyboard, the D2 is what I would go with (if I had never had a phone with a larger screen)....but if you don't have small hands, don't care about a hard keyboard.....the X is gonna be tough to resist if you ever really use one....and the hands down only choice if you are into, dable with, or ever plan to use it with MultiMedia stuff...that is, as of today.
FYI, Speaking of keyboards...the virtual keyboard on the Droid X in landscape is actually bigger than the hard keyboard on the Droid...and the key presses are WAY more responsive and seems more "natural" to me due to the Multi-Touch keyboard of the DX (D2 has this also)...so being a keyboard "junkie" doesn't always mean you have to have a hard keyboard, or that it is better. I personally always found it distracting to go from the virtual keyboard to the hard keyboard..totally different feel and didn't feel right, but I am not the world's best typer or a keyboard junkie either.
Disclaimer: I think all Droids are great (OK, keeping it real, the Eris sux for real, but that was just a "jr Droid").., but my personal preference of current offerings is the DX....in case you haven't figured that out