Duel core 1GHz.. what kind of battery life would it have? 6 minutes?:icon_eek:As a developer of android, the hardware of MotoDroid is plenty powerful. I'd instead opt for FAR better hardware reachable capabilities.. by that I mean, presently video games and music apps like those you see on iPhone are no where near possible on Android, even with 2.1.The latency for audio production like apps on iPhone (BeatMaker, for example) is impossible on Android. As well, high end video graphics are just not possible due to limitations with how the native layer of Android (called NDK) can work with graphics hardware. It's coming, for sure..just not there yet.
I'd say tho, the "next gen" android devices.. would include Android 3.0 (or 2.5..which ever is due out end of year), a dual-core cpu 1Ghz or better, 512MB to 1GB ram and allow each running app to not be stuck to 24MB ram. Give us full ram capabilities with the ability to offer the user a single-app run mode.. so that high end games and music apps can sort of take over the android device and not potentially be shut down by Android due to using too much memory and some background task needing more. Basically, in order to compete with iPhone on games and music apps, which is a very big segment for iPhone, we need more underlying hardware access so us developers can get apps/games to the iPhone level.
To clarify the last part.. Android OS has total control over shutting down apps that are consuming too much memory. I do not know yet if it would actually shut down the current app running, but it will shut down background processes (services) and "paused" apps (those that you ran then hit back/home to start another app.. are currently paused). Thus, it would be nice if there was an iPhone like mode where you could run one main app, pause/suspend/stop all background tasks EXCEPT specific ones (such as the phone app..which handles incoming calls, outgoing calls, and SMS for messages, and a few others like the battery app, home page, etc). It would make it possible for us developers to offer more iPhone/Nintendo DS like games and music apps for Android.
Duel core 1GHz.. what kind of battery life would it have? 6 minutes?:icon_eek:As a developer of android, the hardware of MotoDroid is plenty powerful. I'd instead opt for FAR better hardware reachable capabilities.. by that I mean, presently video games and music apps like those you see on iPhone are no where near possible on Android, even with 2.1.The latency for audio production like apps on iPhone (BeatMaker, for example) is impossible on Android. As well, high end video graphics are just not possible due to limitations with how the native layer of Android (called NDK) can work with graphics hardware. It's coming, for sure..just not there yet.
I'd say tho, the "next gen" android devices.. would include Android 3.0 (or 2.5..which ever is due out end of year), a dual-core cpu 1Ghz or better, 512MB to 1GB ram and allow each running app to not be stuck to 24MB ram. Give us full ram capabilities with the ability to offer the user a single-app run mode.. so that high end games and music apps can sort of take over the android device and not potentially be shut down by Android due to using too much memory and some background task needing more. Basically, in order to compete with iPhone on games and music apps, which is a very big segment for iPhone, we need more underlying hardware access so us developers can get apps/games to the iPhone level.
To clarify the last part.. Android OS has total control over shutting down apps that are consuming too much memory. I do not know yet if it would actually shut down the current app running, but it will shut down background processes (services) and "paused" apps (those that you ran then hit back/home to start another app.. are currently paused). Thus, it would be nice if there was an iPhone like mode where you could run one main app, pause/suspend/stop all background tasks EXCEPT specific ones (such as the phone app..which handles incoming calls, outgoing calls, and SMS for messages, and a few others like the battery app, home page, etc). It would make it possible for us developers to offer more iPhone/Nintendo DS like games and music apps for Android.
I have a tendency to skip every other generation so my next phone would probably be a Droid 3.
Things I'd like to see (and could maybe happen on Droid) are:
1. Support for a USB keyboard and mouse. It would probably take a more sophisticated dock than the current one, but it would make a pretty cute little microcomputer if it had support for a keyboard and mouse in a docking station. Maybe even add support for printing.
-- Meh, get a tablet
2. Apps organization. Maybe I'm missing something here but there's no good way to group apps by category and reduce clutter on the screen. I'd like to put games in one folder, navigation/gps in another, utilities in a third and get my apps down to a more manageable arrangement than just alphabetical in a stack 8 phone screens high.
-- Download Apps Organizer. DONE. (and free)
3. Quiet time setting. The phone has a clock, it should be able to figure out that I really don't want to hear "DRRROOOOIIIIDDD" at 2 AM scaring the nightmares out of me in bed. My old Moto pager can do that so why can't the far more advanced Moto Droid?
-- There is an App for that also I just didn't want it and don't remember the name. DONE
4. If they MUST have a d-pad, at least put it on the left side of the controls like every d-pad controller made this side of 1980. It would make games and apps a lot more intuitive to use. Right hand on a d-pad is just wrong.
-- I'd prefer no D-Pad...
5. Do something about the battery life roller coaster ride. I understand that the more things are going on that the shorter the battery life is going to be, but it would be nice to know if your battery usage is getting excessive and putting the device into a death spiral before it actually croaks.
This is almost getting stupid..... people just can't seem to leave well enough alone.
Well, I would suspect that if Moto is being at all savvy they monitor these forums to get a read on what users want.
I'd like to see more built in memory, faster CPU, lose the keyboard, add a second micro-SD card slot since they are small, more battery life, LTE, HDMI, and a headphone jack that is modular and user or store replaceable (would be accessible from under the battery cover). I'd also like to see them make it more robust as far as being able to handle being dropped.
to be fair, the next DROID is already in development. these devices take years to research, develop, manufacture and market. other phones that Moto decides to release were subsequent of the original release. if a revision to the DROID were to arrive, it would be 2-3 years from now.This thread reminds me of a certain "crack" site forum. Always dreaming of the next phone... because what was offered were all cookie cutter versions of each other.... not the case with the Droid.
I don't want a Droid 2... I want my Droid![]()