So, it sounds like I could also use my RIM Blackberry Storm/2 charger as a backup, since the overcharge circuitry is in the phone and not the charger.It can be charged in advance and will be ready when needed, or it can be charged with the phone connected....These chargers typically put out current at 1 Amp (1,000 mAh), and some have two ports, one with a 1 Amp rating and one with a 2 Amp high current rating for devices like iPads. For our purposes you will be using the 1 Amp port. The Motorola P893 puts out the exact current as the Manufacturer rates the wall charger for. The phone itself has protection to limit the rate of current applied to the battery so the battery isn't unduly stressed and have it's life shortened due to charging too quickly. It will charge essentially as fast as the wall charger adapter.
Sound reasonable?