I am About to upgrade from the Droid 2 and after a terrible, terrible exprience with the five replacement phones I had to go through, and I am a tad hesitant about upgrading to the 4. I've played around with the demo phones, read the reviews, and gone through plenty of threads but still can't decide if i should get it; or stay safe and get the droid 3 which my friend had had for over a year with little or no problems. Should I get the 4 or stay safe with the 3 in case they announce the Droid 5 a month after I upgrade?
This sounds like the issues I went through with my Droid 2. I am currently on a Droid 4, and had the Droid 3 for about 7 months or so, and recently used my wife's upgrade to get a Droid 4, and I would say to go with the Droid 4. I'm very happy with it, and recently installed the Leaked ICS, which makes it even better! The Droid 3 is pretty much End Of Life'd (for all intents and purposes) as Moto said no to ICS. Trust me: you want ICS. Starting with the way things scroll in ICS (which is much more 'iPhoneish', a.k.a. Fluid/Smooth) to the new UI elements, and the fact that going forward, all new apps will be ICS supported, it just doesn't make sense to step backwards and get a Droid 3.
Unless, you *want* to stay on Gingerbread for some reason, it just doesn't make sense to go with a Droid 3. Also, I think Moto learned their lesson from releasing new phones every 6 months. It's not good for them, or the customer. I would guess they would release phone lines on more like an annual basis. I know the Droid 4 came out so fast after the Droid 3, and there were petitions from angry users, and it ticked a lot of folks off. I bet Moto lost some previously loyal customers because of it.
Then, add in all the additional support costs to keep all the models updated, and it's a lose, lose situation. I personally know of (2) people who won't buy Moto products again, because there was a well known bug with the Droid-X, where it would reset while playing music after an update, and (I think) because Moto had so many darn phones to support, they didn't patch the bug in a timely manner, so it really got people upset.
So far, my Droid 4 has been rock solid, and I'm so glad I traded in my Droid 3 for it.