My Current Setup:
I currently still own the original DROID which I can't wait to get rid of. I can't stand how slow it is to process anything even just to bring up the keypad to make a phone call, yet check through & reply to email. I have rooted it and un-rooted it in order to find a stable setting as you never know when it's going to work properly or not.
I too am still on a Droid 1 (rooted) - Have Sapphire 2.0.0 (which is very good) installed. I've turned off live wallpapers and in addition to that have found that rebooting the phone does seem to really help mitigate the sluggishness. But like you, just hanging onto it for something better.
My hopes and intentions:
I would like something STABLE. I would like something faster. I use a boat load of applications and would hate to lose them or have to pay for most of them. I am also missing applications that are only on the iPhone currently.
iPhone is a more mature platform just by virtue it has been out for 2 years longer than Android. I would give that more time. Nice thing is your apps should carry over to the new phone as soon as it's synced to your gmail account.
The best thing you can do in this respect is to keep pressure on the app developer to release an android version.
Thoughts & Other Info:
I need to get a phone no later than March, so waiting for the iPhone5 may be out of the question. The iPhone is STABLE and works just fine as it stands, while the problem of most apps costing money. The Droid Bionic may be much faster and I won't have the slow response time which I currently HATE on my droid. Most Apps are free or I've already paid for the ones that I needed or wanted. Downfall of being open-sourced OS which could still cause many problems.
Open source has nothing to do with the problems. In fact the current main Mac OS is based on BSD. Also, if you've been following the news, the iPhone has been a far cry from perfect!
Yes, going to a new network and new processor is potentially fraught with a potential for instability. If you bought your Droid on day 1 - you too I'm sure have seen that the phone we have today is not the same one as the one that was released. It is better, more stable, and has fewer problems.
I don't deny we've had to be patient in the mean time.
I just don't know which one to get, but I need to make a decision. There are pros and cons of both... I even asked my friend whom had the iPhone4 and then switched to the DroidX and he off the bat recommended iPhone because it was Stable.
Thoughts and Concerns?
The DroidX too has had some well publicized problems. Moto, HTC and the other manufacturers are learning.
I am deciding to simply do nothing, keep my powder dry, and look at the BIONIC when it comes out. Signs indicate it will be the best phone on VZW but overall I am choosing to wait and see.
iPhones are iPhones.. There are people who drive certain brands of cars simply because they like the feel of them that no other manufacturer can quite pull off. No choice is free of trade offs and sacrifices. Android may have started off as an iPhone alternative to many, but I believe it's evolving into its own thing that is just as capable, if not more, than iOS.
Good luck in your choice.