I was just cyanogen's website and I read that cm7 is compatible with gingerbread. If that's the case then why doesn't it support droid3? Is it due to build number of gingerbread?
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CM7 isn't compatible with Gingerbread, it IS Gingerbread...modified, tweaked, lots of code replaced and turned in to CyanogenMod. It's source code from Google/Android that has become it's own source tree.
You have to build a rom with CyanogenMod source tree using the Gingerbread branch, you have to have all the needed hardware proprietary files from the device you want to build, you have to tweak the source code to be compatible with the new hardware device and then you have to have a custom recovery for the device so that you can flash it.
CyanogenMod has a "generic" build system with specific device profiles layered on top. When building, you have to have the "generic" parts and the device specific parts. Right now there are no device specific parts for the Droid 3, no recovery for the Droid 3 which means no CM7 for Droid 3 (at this time).