I don't know what you're talking about with the MAC...can you explain?
On your router you can configure it to only allow certain computers/device to connect and use your network. This is called "MAC Filtering." It's generally considered a better practice (particularly for home/private use) because it's an added layer of security that makes in MUCH harder (though still possible) for unwanted people to gain access to your network.
*If possible you should use a wired connection to your router to set this up.
1-Get your MAC address from your phone and other wireless devices (laptops ect.). On you phone this is found under settings>wireless & network>wi-fi settings>menu>advanced - it will look like the
2-Log into your router and goto wireless>wireless MAC Filter and select "Enable Wireless MAC Filter" and select "Permit ONLY PC's listed"
3-Select "edit MAC Filter list" and in the new window add your Droids (and other) MAC address
4-Save all changes and exit
Note that with this enabled you will have to add each of your devices to the list to allow them access. It is important that if you don't have a wired connection to your router that you add you current computers MAC address FIRST. Otherwise you will loose your connection to the router.
For your laptops and other devices do a quick google search for directions, it's normally easy. It's best to get the addresses off of the devices themselves (it's really easy). On Windows machines it can normally be found by going to your network connections and selecting your current network and then selecting 'Details' it will be shown as the "Physical Address"
Hope that helps. If it doesn't solve your connection problem at least your network will now be more secure.