I went into the verizon store and told them my sob story. My wife and I both got droids in Nov 09 and just recently my droid got wet and refuses to show any life. Id like to get the droid x and asked what my options were.
They told me that either I could pay full retail, which he thought would be high $500's or that I could add a line for $10 a month and get the droid x at the $200 price point as long as the new line came with a new 2 year contract.
This would mean the x would cost me $440 over the length of the contract. Still less than full retail and the cost is spread out over two years.
I also figure I might be able to find a family member that will take over my current droid line with an old phone of theirs, and will be willing to pay me the $10 a month. Then if I sell my old droid out for parts and the accessories, I should be in pretty good shape.
Does this sound like a good idea to anyone else?