Sorry if this has been answered before/trouble finding an answer for this.
Is there a way to set the default voicemail button, or long press on 1 in phone mode to call google voicemail instead of VZW voicemail.
I have it set up so that Google voice is my mail service on the phone. It works when someone calls my number (vzw or voice number) - they go directly to GV mail - is it supposed to change those buttons too or not?
Sorry if this has been answered before/trouble finding an answer for this.
Is there a way to set the default voicemail button, or long press on 1 in phone mode to call google voicemail instead of VZW voicemail.
I have it set up so that Google voice is my mail service on the phone. It works when someone calls my number (vzw or voice number) - they go directly to GV mail - is it supposed to change those buttons too or not?