Droid GPS


Dec 16, 2009
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anyone experiencing slow GPS location time?

it always says GPS not available
anyone experiencing slow GPS location time?

it always says GPS not available

Why don't you give us a little information about YOUR Droid so we can see what's going on. Like are you rooted, do you have GPS turned on? Some facts besides the problem itself.
not rooted. gps on.. takes long time for gps to find my location.. longer than it used to before updates
To add some perspective and experience

I too noticed, what I consider, unusually long satellite acquisition time. Now, I am new to Droid, so I don't know if it is, in fact, a long time or not, but this is what I have seen. My family and I took a short road trip this weekend and used her new, stock, LG Ally as our GPS Nav. I made sure to turn on the GPS before starting the Car Home App. Then used the Navigation from there to get directions to the next stop, etc.

What I noticed is that if I sat in one place, while waiting for the phone to acquire satellite signal and begin navigation, it would take several minutes. I am comparing this to only a few seconds with my BlackBerry. However, I did notice that if I was moving when the phone was searching for satellites, it seemed to happen quite a bit faster.

Is this what you normally experience? Is this normal for this phone/OS/App?
I have only had GPS and my location problems during the last few days. Today, it is perfect and fast. I read on another thread that google was having issues the last few days.
Other than that, the google maps is GREAT.
Droid, not rooted.
anyone experiencing slow GPS location time?

it always says GPS not available
Why don't you give us a little information about YOUR Droid so we can see what's going on.
^This. Problems with a single Droid and GPS don't mean that there's a problem across the board. Trust me, you wouldn't be able to miss threads on the topic if it was such a widespread issue. ;)

I've run into this plenty of times myself. Standard first troubleshooting steps:

1. Cycle GPS off and then on.
2. Power cycle the Droid.
3. Try *228, option 1.

I am comparing this to only a few seconds with my BlackBerry.
Which one? I had the 8310 and never had GPS fix issues but it only operated in standalone mode, FWIW. The Droid is assisted though it should fall back to standalone, if needed.

Is this what you normally experience? Is this normal for this phone/OS/App?
Not normal but it does happen.
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I haven't experienced any delays but mine is creepily accurate. Almost upsetting, actually :)

I wanted to see how close it would be at pinpointing my location. It found my townhouse (in a block of five) and put the blue dot towards the back. Which is where my kitchen is. Which is where I was standings. I was waiting for the display to pop up and tell me where the watch that I was looking for was located :D
Its most obvious when I really need it. A power cycle helped but when I was driving and needed to find a place fast, taking time to obtain satellites for me has been several minutes, if i let it wait that long before trying reboot.
anyone experiencing slow GPS location time?

it always says GPS not available
I'm having the same problem. Contrary to Takeshi's post, I think a lot of people are. As more users start using GPS, it will become more apparent. Think geocaching and Latitude users.

I haven't found a solution. The quick fixes don't always work. And I don't want to be rebooting my Droid X while driving down the highway.
I have experienced serious GPS problems. I have taken my Droid to the Verizon store and have had them look at it, insisting for me to get a replacement. As soon as it came however, my GPS started working again.

It would probably be worth mentioning that I do not live in a suburb but near NYC where service should be phenomenal. The GPS is probably my biggest gripe with this phone.
....i had this issue also and live in greater ny area too....screen stays blank for long periods when i needed traffic info the most....been ok last week or so....did resets, battery pulls, nothing worked....was driving west rt 80, clear skies, etc....fyi
From three weeks ago (an eternity in Android time), "A fair number of users have reported GPS problems":

How to Fix Your Motorola Droid GPS - Associated Content - associatedcontent.com

Thanks for the link. An interesting read, as the possible cuplrit on the thread is the last thing I would expect. One (or at least me) would think that toggling the gps on and off would be more like wifi, 3g or cdma in that it is a core running service that would not be subjected to state status suspensions. Much like the fact that while your phone is sleeping, you still get phone calls or emails.

An interesting test might be for two users to connect to lattitude to see each others positions. Then one user could "sleep" the phone, move a bit, and see if the position is updated on the other phone.
