What app are you using? try chomp I have worked with both Handcent and chomp for a couple of weeks each and do like chomp better.When I try to attach audio, all I get to choose is the stock ringtones. Which also don't get received.First check the size of your ringtones that you created they might be to big. There is also settings in your phone for the size limit that you can send for the MMS messages. Try chomp it has been working so far so good. I posted about this issue about three weeks ago and didn't get nearly the responce you did. Guess I needed to use big letters and !!!!! to get such a responce. Just take and start your text then hit the menu and attach. Handcent and chomp will let you attach video, pictures, and audio but you do have to keep it under the size limit for the phone and your carrier because I know that verizon does have a limit on the size of the MMS messages sent.
after you select your contact click on the message box hit menu and attach it should give you a selection of all of the ringtones you have on your phone, not just the stock ones.