droid headphone jack "defect"

Does anyone have any recommendations for wireless headphones (decent ones)? And do they have any noticeable impact on battery life? I've never even turned Bluetooth on for the Droid!

I just got the MOTO S305 Stereo Bluetooth Headphones. I was in your spot about 2 weeks ago, did the research on this site, S305's were what I needed. This years model of the S305's (HD version, different model #) are suposed to be very good, but for less than half the price I would go with the old S305's. I picked mine up for $24 through a thread on this site that linked to a Verizon 24 hour sale. At most you shouldent spend more than $40 through Amazon.
Have that same problem of having to insert the jack and remove again to hear a call. I hate having to put people on speakerphone in public when I forget to do so.

this issue is hands down the most annoying problem i have...i listen to my music heavy using the jack and everytime i remove it and then someone calls or i have to call out i cant hear anything..anybody know a fix for this??
Does anyone have any recommendations for wireless headphones (decent ones)? And do they have any noticeable impact on battery life? I've never even turned Bluetooth on for the Droid!

I just got the MOTO S305 Stereo Bluetooth Headphones. I was in your spot about 2 weeks ago, did the research on this site, S305's were what I needed. This years model of the S305's (HD version, different model #) are suposed to be very good, but for less than half the price I would go with the old S305's. I picked mine up for $24 through a thread on this site that linked to a Verizon 24 hour sale. At most you shouldent spend more than $40 through Amazon.

Ditto on the Moto S305's! They are awesome! I have to commute once in a while on a 2-1/2 hour train ride - I use the 305's to listen to music, uTube videos, etc all the way. I've made four trips now and still running strong on the charge.

I also use them in my wood cabinet shop. I leave my Droid sitting in one spot and move freely all through my shop which is over 100 feet long and 40+ feet wide - no issues with losing the signal! My music pumps out just as clearly at over 80 feet from my Droid as it does at 8 feet. Phone call comes in - no problem! It auto mutes the music, and when the call is over the music just comes back on clear as a bell! Battery life is really terrific on these beautiful earphones!

I also got mine on the $25 special - though they got backordered, and I had to wait about ten days before they arrived. I received an email stating FedEx would be delivering next day - sure enough - they came as promised. Wish I had bought two pair at that price! One to keep at work and one pair for home/travel. :) mikey