I personally feel that you underesitmate your pants computer. I live in Florida, that's right, mostly 100 percent humidity right now, and for the next six months or so. To compound that, I work in a kitchen, the average temperature somewhere between 120 and 140 degrees during the storm season. See, as the humidity increases our hood system stops being as efficient and the temprature rises. Today it hovered around 130. Now, I've only had my droid for about two months but in that time it has acted as the primary sound system for our kitchen, which means it runs for nine to twelve hours, in the heat, pumping out enough sound to keep our crew moving even in the horrendous heat. I haven't had a hiccup yet. Perhaps its to soon and an issue will arise later, but so far, two months in the heat and humidity of a working kitchen haven't fazed my phone even the slightest. So feel free to take precautions but take comfort in the fact that these phones are meant to run, and they do.