DROID messageing- WTF? When I compose a message, the 1st field is "To:" When I begin to add a contact with the virt keyboard, I begin to type the name of the contact I would like to message. DROID then transposes the letters I am typing into numbers. I don't know anyones number by heart, yet that seems to be the only way that I can add a contact to my message. Anyone else having messaging issues?
On the native app when I do it I get the drop box with the transposed number AND the Contact Name (or names) matching the first few letters I type just below that. I tap the name and go, works just as it should IMHO.
For example, I type "De" and the drop box shows "de(33) and just below is shows "Debbie Mobile (xxx-xxxxxxx). I tap the name and off I go, don't see the problem on mine.
Same thing if I start with the phone number, once I start with the numbers the contacts matching the digits appear. Can't see how it will get any better than that...well maybe if it read my mind, is this coming in the next upgrade?