Trust me when I say that anyone reading this forum is in no danger of being collated into the "idiot" category. I am no einstein of tech myself, but I used to work a circuit city and it made me sick to see the amount of literal IDIOTS that came in and bought bleeding edge technology just to be able to say they have the most advanced or coolest stuff and actually have no idea how to use it.
What I really mean is, this forum and its people share something unique. A real interest in the technology of this phone and its capabilities, I would just like to keep the droid in the hands of people like us, and out of the hands of snobbish retards who only want it cause "its the cool thing to have" and really have no idea what it can do. Not that those people don't have a right to own the phone, but just the idea of hearing some sorority chick bragging to her friends that she has the droid and how its soooo kewwwll and junk me want to vomit, but whatever, thats my piece. I wasn't bashing anyone who isn't a tech guru or any such thing so I apologize if it came off like that, I was moreso offering up my own feelings. Cheers.