Droid Stealth Commercial

damn sorry about the repeat I didn't even see it.

Mods you can delete to control the clutter
ok, so i edited the first post to say that i merged all these commercials with the stealth bombers.. back open! comment away!
The commercial looks interesting, but it doesn't tell you a darn thing about what its advertising. If I was not already aware of the DROID, I would have been saying "so what was the product?"

It was only a second that it showed the verizon and google logos.

The commercial looked kool but I don't see how it helps advertise the phone to those who don't know about it.
Yo if my droid came like that i would be kinda scared... like wtf! lol... kinda like when i was using the google navi and pulled up in front of my house and saw a picture of my house on the screen... >.<
I love this! Thanks!

Oh, and I love the comment about the fart apps! "There's an ass for that."

You guys are funny!