Droid still a buy?


Nov 27, 2009
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With all these new phones with faster processors and what not should I still buy a droid? My contract is up and I love Verizon's service. I hear that the iPhone is comming but no microSD and less customization.. Should I still get a droid for next 2 years or wait for nexus one.

My contract ends tomorrow so I may buy it tomorrow I'm kind of exited. Still I want to know from experts if the droid can still hold up for at least one more year.:motdroidhoriz:
I would still say buy....there's nothing I've seen that can replace my Droid.
With all these new phones with faster processors and what not should I still buy a droid? My contract is up and I love Verizon's service. I hear that the iPhone is comming but no microSD and less customization.. Should I still get a droid for next 2 years or wait for nexus one.

My contract ends tomorrow so I may buy it tomorrow I'm kind of exited. Still I want to know from experts if the droid can still hold up for at least one more year.:motdroidhoriz:

The flagship phone for Verizon right now is the Droid. I believe we will continue to see upgrades as time goes on.

As far as faster processors go, yes, you are going to see that no matter what phone you have. In a month something new comes out better then what you have.

Since you contract is coming to an end you can get a Droid from Amazon.com for 19.95. That's a steal.
My contract is on a family plan with a 100 dollar discount tomorrow. I don't think its valid in amazon and I think its only for new contracts. I'm not sure how it works because my phone is the only one eligible for upgrade.
Nope, Amazon has it's own contracts and they don't have the family plan. You're going to have to go with Verizon it appears. They do have a bogo though, at least last week there was one.
the HTC incredible will be hitting VZ retail stores on April 29th... i'd check that out, if $$ isn't an issue... but $19.99 for a Droid is real cheap :D
Hook, I copied this from Amazon.

Select Service Type: Learn more

New Contract
Individual Account
Upgrade My Phone (Existing Customer)
I have an individual account
I am part of a family account
List Price:$559.99Price From:$19.99

My son and daughter-in-law are going to get Droids so we looked last weekend.
Is a family account different from a family plan?

With all these new phones with faster processors and what not should I still buy a droid? My contract is up and I love Verizon's service. I hear that the iPhone is comming but no microSD and less customization.. Should I still get a droid for next 2 years or wait for nexus one.

My contract ends tomorrow so I may buy it tomorrow I'm kind of exited. Still I want to know from experts if the droid can still hold up for at least one more year.:motdroidhoriz:
The phone hasn't even been out for a year. There haven't been any great leaps in technology and other phones being released now/soon offer nothing I find attractive.

Buy a Droid, it will bring you pleasure.
theres always that new phone that people buy just because its new and no one has it yet with maybe a few cool things about it..

this is NOT the droid. im always upgrading phones after a few months bc theres something new i see in a phone that i want to try out. Ive had the droid since november and im still finding new things i can do with it every day. I really dont see the droid being phased out for a while to come.

I mean the nexus is nice but the only reason id buy that is if i didnt like the physical keyboard. but I do. so im very happy with the droid.

Just stay on the forum and do some reading and you will soon learn of all the cool things this powerhouse of a phone is capable of. I let people play with my phone and they are beyond impressed with how smooth everything is and the functionality of it.

So, if u cant guess by now, id say get the droid!

So theres my two cents :)
Well apparently from some Verizon reps they say that if you do it through Amazon or Wire Fly it messes up your account and creates a whole new plan.
Well apparently from some Verizon reps they say that if you do it through Amazon or Wire Fly it messes up your account and creates a whole new plan.

Could be true, could be a sales rep trying to keep sales in store. Anyone had any experience with this?
Wife and I got ours at Costco, you get a 90 day return policy although you would have to pay the ETF still that is a good thing if you truly hated the phone. They also gave the rebate instantly vs Verizon which makes you wait. They also gave a case and car charger, plus at least our store they were very helpful and knew the products they sold...unlike what I find at the Verizon stores.

Costco, they are able to log right into your account and check what plan your on and what you qualify for. I would of had the $50 towards new every 2 going to a Verizons tore, but the free charger, and the case and the hassle of not waiting for a rebate I skipped getting that part of the deal.
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If you already have a family plan and you're renewing, you can do that through Amazon. I did, even kept my legacy 1000 minutes for $70 plan.

Nope, Amazon has it's own contracts and they don't have the family plan. You're going to have to go with Verizon it appears. They do have a bogo though, at least last week there was one.
I would still say buy....there's nothing I've seen that can replace my Droid.
This ... the 4.0 os for the iPhone is coming out this summer and has some new features like multi-tasking but it still doesn't let you completely customize yet.

The Droid and the Nexus One are practically the same but I love having the physical keyboard so I would still pick the Droid.