Just a few notes. I am with ACS, and have been since 1994. I have looked over the fence, since the beginning, especially when you could get a whopping 500 minutes from ACS for 100/ month, and they had unlimited calling etc, from AT&T, then they had the iPhone, and ACS was jamming us in the rear with cheap junk candy bars, and "the Q".
Thing is this, way back then in the 90's, I could make full calls from many VERY remote locations, like out on the ICE of the Beaufort Sea with my old Moto Flip Phone, I could call home, when my coworkers, and such with AT&T (Always Trying & Trying) couldnt even get a bar of signal with a BAG PHONE.
Nowadays with ACS we get DECENT 3G coverage pretty much anywhere you WANT to be in Alaska. AT&T gets ok sorta crappy service in the outlying areas, but GREAT coverage in the Big City. Out of town, You may have to climb up a tree, or get on top of your cabin, LOL, It may not be lightning fast, but its there. AT&T is just that, Always Trying & Trying & Trying.... IMHO they suck in Alaska.
So anyway, yeah Alaska sucks too, but the biggest mistake ever made in Alaska was accepting Statehood. Now we are saddled with all the beaureaucrats from DC telling us what to do, how to live, what to eat, and when we can eat it, where we can piss, and how much it will cost to clean it up. Besides the State of Alaska is just a huge SAP on the 'overflowing' coffers of the federal reserve of "The Great 48". Most Alaskans feel that Alaska should have remained a territory, we have gotten a belly full of 'pukers' telling us what to do.
Yeah, SO sell Alaska to us for .02c on the dollar, and take your beareaucrat's back, find a little cubicle for them to rant, rave, and spew out rules, drama and politics to control YOU as they dwell the rest of there miserable career in YOUR back yard.
It sucks here, SO dont bother coming here.
We got enough people here anyway.
LOL. Peace Out.:icon_ lala: