Droid Turbo going straight to Android 5.1 according to Motorola Tweet


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Oct 11, 2010
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San Jose, CA
Current Phone Model
Pixel 3 XL

I know you Droid Turbo owners are probably sick of waiting for Lollipop. You would think that a flagship that runs almost pure vanilla android would receive much faster updates. This is usually the case, however, the updates do have to be approved by the carrier, and in this case, with the Motorola DROID Turbo, it's exclusively on Verizon, and we already know that they're slow in pushing out updates.

With that said, Motorola has just confirmed in a tweet that the Droid Turbo will get Android 5.1 Lollipop very soon which means that the handset will skip Android 5.0.

Motorola have been going a good job the past few years keeping their phones up on the latest software. I am even more impressed they were able to do this under Verizon.
Am I going crazy... Or didn't the say this back in February???
I thought they were talking 5.0.1 then... Could be wrong though
No.. I went and researched it... In early March they announced they would skip 5.0.x and go right to 5.1...so idk.. I'm not suffering with any of the problems that others are talking about (call drops, call drops when attempting to use voice over data) or anything.. So.. I'm thrilled.. It seems the newer turbos have that issue.. My turbo is an older turbo.. Not old.. But built before October..
Yeah mines an original batch one too. I'm patiently waiting.
Like I said somewhere else, I am thinking Moto is trying to tell us something here.

"Pssst. Hey Moto owners. We are pretty much done with our L update. We are just waiting on VZW now..."

Read it again.
Doesn't it sound like that?
We are working with our Partner. How many partners are there in the Turbo? I wouldn't consider Google 'the partner'. Who else could it be?
VZW is probably testing the Bloat Apps or telling Moto which ones to add.
I agree... I'm hoping to hear soak tests soon...
The question is do I take the update, or plunge into "root"? Hopefully the exploit works on Lollipop to keep the option available.
So this is their excuse for taking longer...Nah y'all don't need 5.0x we will give you 5.1. Later.
I think the deal is this.. Vzw had moto build the turbo with the single antenna.. But vzw didn't get their infrastructure built out in time, so the turbo was released without vod. And then they started telling people that vod hadn't been available for a while.. Its what they told me.. First time e I've ever yelled at a rep... Then there appears to be a batch issue of the newer turbos having lots of volte issues.. Older ones... Not so much.. Idk y or if that's just happenstance..

Then you have the issues with Android L and vzw demands "supposedly" that volte needs to work better... Or address these new issues.. So they scrapped 5.x.x and supposedly took the new improved source code of 5.1 and started the build out, fresh.. That's the line of garbage I was handed by a person who knows a person..

I don't mean this statement to be taken as fact.. Just passing along the smoke I had blown at me..
Once I learned VoLTE only works between VZW-enabled phones I didn't even bother activating it. I don't think it needs it - my call quality is excellent.
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Yeah I'm not concerned with VoLTE.. I never turned it on even before hearing all the hit and miss stories.
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The VoLTE that you are all referring to is the Advanced Calling Feature? I am "ROOTING" for 5.1 to help use achieve Root.