Today I discovered a few things about the Droid video camera and it's uploading techniques and limitations.
I took a video of my son's Pinewood Derby race...the video was shot indoors and wasn't the best of quality.
YouTube - Jakob Ronimous...Pinewood Derby 2009.
When I attempted to email or send the 5.8mb clip via text or Gmail, it gave me error messages that said the file was too big. Not sure if that was a Gmail thing or a droid thing. Kind of disappointing.
Next I uploaded to YouTube and got a message saying the video could only be uploades using the WiFi connection. Again...disappointing.
Another piece of information...apparently the 'share' option will only appear when viewing video clips inside the camera application and will not appear when viewing from the Gallery application.
Love my Droid, disappointed with these limitations.
Too big to send? This free app called Youcast for Android should be able to help (YouCast for Android)
It allows you to send files from android to android or android to PC without file size limit. You could download the app from market://search?