I moved from a Blackberry Tour to the Droid, which I like very much. What do other former BB users think about the Droid?
Aside from not really having a direct equivalent to profiles on the BB, I definitely prefer the Droid. Keep in mind that not all former BB users are identical though. I'm sure there are some that would still prefer the BB.I moved from a Blackberry Tour to the Droid, which I like very much. What do other former BB users think about the Droid?
Didn't the OP ask for opinions? Care to elaborate on yours? It would benefit the OP to know why you think it trumps the BB.This is your opinion....My Droid trumps any BB I owned...
You do need a 3rd party solution to sync the Droid with Outlook. I wouldn't blame Motorola though, as the Droid was intended to be a Google experience phone, meaning that it's basically unmodified Android. Android really isn't intended for wired desktop sync if you look at it closely. It's not just Outlook -- it's not designed to sync with anything on a desktop PC out of the box. That said, though, there is Motorola's media sync app...The BB syncs wonderfully with Outlook. It also syncs everything to the desktop and backs up your phone entirely. In this regard, the Droid looks pathetic because Motorola really dropped the ball on this.
The Droid is not a reliable business phone if you must count on delivery of email, snyching of calendar, and forwarding of all attachments. I do not have an enterprice server for work. POP3 mail retrieved through outlook or squirrel mail offsite. Verizon told me that the Droid will not forward attachemnts such as the IMG,PDF, TIF, EXC, and Word files I needed to send along. Handbrake?, Touchdown, and other email sysems did not work for me. Once these bugs are worked out I will go back to Android. I loved the phone but I must have the flawless email functionality that Blackberry provides. The cooperation between Google, Yahoo, AOL, and others is not what it should be. I think they initially tried to screw up goggles efforts to send my mail to me. Who knows. FWIW I am not sure that Apple or Win mobile would be any better. Blackberry seems to have a real advantage in the email department.