Its a pain, I know, but sbf solves oh so many inconveniences
Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk
so true, but if he did acutally make a backup, he wouldn't need to do that.
***DO THIS****
go to this page and follow one of the 4 ways to get into clockwork mod recovery, make sure you are in clockwork (it is a black screen with green text) and not the stock recover (i think it is blue text...either way, if it isn't green text you are in the wrong recovery)
Boot Into Recovery From Power Off State
once there, use the up/down volume buttons to move navigate up and down, and use the camera button to make a selection.
go to backup and restore>
choose restore>
click on the file you created (will have a date and time as the name)>
choose yes>
let the phone work its magic. it will take about 10 minutes depending on how many apps you had installed. it will say "restore complete" when it is finished.
navigate to Reboot phone, if you dont see the option on the screen, you may need to tap the power button, this goes up a folder in clockwork mod.
select reboot phone and you will be good to go. problem solved.
if you do not have a file to select after choosing restore, then you never really made a backup (this could have happened, i remember when i fist started modding, i used Rom manager to make a backup, and it didn't work for me. if this is the case you will need to SBF (SBF is what it is called here, so just search here or on google for droid X SBF and go from there)
if you fail to follow these steps, dont complain about not knowing what you are doing. these steps, if followed correctly will get you your phone back to a working state.
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