I dubt it. What would be nice is if you or someone create a poll and see
if droid x is compatible to 4g. I dunno we still wont know the truth until
next year.
You doubt what?
Isn't it clear by now. NOT COMPATABLE.
Oh i thought you said compatible did read it right that you said comparable. First of all 3g and 4g is different experience. I cant wait.
Heh. I meant to say compatible actually. (Auto correct)
But it was in the context of the story. My point is: You will always find the most up to date info online. No matter what a CSR or anyone tells you in a retail environment, they probably don't know for sure.
Case and point: The HUGE number of people who have reported that the DX is LTE ready when it has been stated here many many times that it simply lacks the hardware necessary. Yet we continue to hear people say: But the guy at the Verizon store told me it would work on the new network.
To return to the OP here:
You found this forum (perhaps too late) and that should teach you to do a bit of research before expecting something from a device just because "the guy at the store" told you it would.
When I was younger I worked for an electronics store. I can't count the number of times I would embellish upon the features of a TV especially when it came to future tech. Like cable cards and Vchips (two very popular buzz words at the time)
Think about this.
Would the CSR who sold you the DX have a real reason to even bring up LTE?
Since Verizon doesn't even have any current 4G phones it wouldn't make sense for that sales person to bring it up unless prompted.
SO, given that... Does the addition of 4G capabilities really have an effect on your purchase? Logically it can't affect your purchase except to say that you might have waited to buy a new device. The problem there is that the decision to wait could have only come at the request of the customer. That is, you would have had to ask: "Is this LTE compatible?" Proving you had already done SOME research but not enough.
It sucks, but you really have no place to be upset with Verizon. Just because the phone you bought doesn't have the feature you thought it did. A feature that doesn't even exist yet does not mean its Verizons fault.
Ask yourself: "Is there a reasonable solution that Verizon can offer you because the CSR told you a bit of bad info on an otherwise great product?"
Probably not.
My car doesn't take the newest generation of fuel. Even though it has a FLEXFUEL sticker on the bumper. But that isn't Chevy's fault. Or the fault of the salesman who pumped me with wrong info. I should have read online what FlexFuel means before buying.
Truth is... I still would have bought the vehicle.

So tell me Future Boy, who's President of The United States in 1985?