Droid X and Moto ROKR S9-HD - my first major problem with the X


Nov 20, 2009
Reaction score
After a brutal week trying to figure this out, it looks like I've finally got it.
I ordered these headphones from Newegg (refurbs) for $50. Good deal considering they go for $100 new.
Anyway, the first time I paired them it played fine for a song or two (MP3s on my SD card). Then it would break up real bad and sometimes just stop all together. So I contacted Moto support and they said they couldn't vouch for refurbs. So I wen't to Best Buy and bought new ones. When these things work, the sound quality is pretty amazing.
So I get the new ones paired up and same thing. They play the occasional song here and there. I have the phone sitting on the table two feet from the headphones at this time and for all testing. During all this I got my replacement X for a separate issue. Same problem.
I scoured the internet and found that somehow every other X user was able to use theirs with no problems. Contacted Moto again and they still have no help to offer.
My brothers iphone worked fine, my other brothers GalaxyS worked fine. In fact, they both had the same headphones.
So I tried Pandora and it worked perfectly. The sound quality was pretty bad but never had a problem with the skipping/breaking up like I did with my MP3s.
I'm onto something. I laid out an Excel document and played 50 songs on shuffle from all different artists/albums and logged each song. And finally figured out that the combo of this phone and headphones will NOT stream MP3s with a bitrate over 128kbps.
But if I pair my BT Altec Lansing speakers they play every song without a single problem.
Now what to do? Batch convert every single MP3 to 128kbps? Seems a little ridiculous. Apparently Newegg doesn't replace refurb purchases. Best Buy has a 30 day exchange policy and the full price ones are going back today. But really, no one thought of this while they were being built. Moto is blaming the phone (which like I said, streams without a single hiccup to my Altecs)

If you have these headphones and this phone can you please try to replicate my problem. If you don't have any high quality MP3s send me your email and I will send you one or two.
Does anyone on here have these headphones that can try this out for me?
This won't help any, but I have plenty of MP3's ripped at 320 & I have never had a single problem with my S9 HDs.

OOPS, maybe I spoke too soon.

I just tried playing an MP3 that I know is ripped at 320 & it won't play the whole song.

The sound didn't break up or anything, it just totally stopped (three straight times)

This has GOT to be the phones fault, I took this mem card out of my TouchPro 2 & stuck it in the new X when I got it.

The songs all played just fine in the TP2 with the same S9 HDs.

According to this thread here: Motorola Support Forum there's either an issue with the S9 headphone, the Droid X or some combination of the two and certain high bitrate MP3s. Apparently Motorola engineers are looking into it.

I Had these with my BB Bold and they would play a song and then cut out afterwards. Everytime. And that was with the mp3's. When I would listen to Pandora or Slacker, it would go in and out. These were the perfect cut your lawn hit the gym type headphones and they rarely worked.

I was hoping that they would work with the DX, but now they wont even charge.

There is a thread about the MOTO S360's or something like that.
Thanks for the replies.
I finally found a fix. Jabra BT3030. They are pretty awesome. Not a single skip. That beats the hell out of encoding GBs and GBs of MP3s. And half the price of the motos.

Am I crazy or is it really just unbelievable that Moto didn't think to check this.
ObiDon - I'm actually the guy in that thread that figured out the btrate problem.
OOPS, maybe I spoke too soon.

I just tried playing an MP3 that I know is ripped at 320 & it won't play the whole song.

The sound didn't break up or anything, it just totally stopped (three straight times)


That's exactly what my 320kbps files did. Lalalalallaal WHACK! No more tunes. Then it might resume 10 seconds later. All the files higher than 128 and lower than 320 would just have terrible playback.

Thanks for going back and double checking. I was pissed when I got your first thread reply in my email. I was thinking there's no way that's possible.
I've talked to too many people that just pop into a thread and say, "mine work fine" and can't take 3 minutes to check the bitrate and never come back.
So thanks again:)
I've got these headphones and haven't had any issues yet, but i'm mostly rocking pandora and last.fm when i use them... so I'll have to check it out.. I'm also planning on installing the leaked 2.2 update here in a few hours when it's released so I'll see if I still have issues after that as well... other than this potential issue I love my s9-hd's though..
I'm almost 100% certain those streaming programs compress the audio big time.
I noticed a huge difference in sound quality between local playback and Pandora. Huge.
I also have a pair of HT-820 Motorola stereo BT headset.

I don't use them much because the volume is not as loud as the S9-HDs (& you look like a total dork wearing them) but I just tried them & they play a 320 MP3 just fine.

Thanks for going back and double checking. I was pissed when I got your first thread reply in my email. I was thinking there's no way that's possible.
I've talked to too many people that just pop into a thread and say, "mine work fine" and can't take 3 minutes to check the bitrate and never come back.
So thanks again:)

Yea, don't you hate it when people do that??

Some DB responds "Geez, mine work just fine I don't know what your problem is?" when you you know darn well they are FOS & haven't even bothered to really check.

Thanks for going back and double checking. I was pissed when I got your first thread reply in my email. I was thinking there's no way that's possible.
I've talked to too many people that just pop into a thread and say, "mine work fine" and can't take 3 minutes to check the bitrate and never come back.
So thanks again:)

Yea, don't you hate it when people do that??

Some DB responds "Geez, mine work just fine I don't know what your problem is?" when you you know darn well they are FOS & haven't even bothered to really check.


YES I DO. Especially after all the crap I wen't through to diagnose the problem.
Listening on Froyo right now.
Not that I expected any difference but Froyo does NOT fix the streaming problem:(