I'm in the Fascinate v. Droid X boat as well; I've been ready to pull the trigger on one of these phones for days now but I've been putting it off because I can't pick between the two. I've read several of these "fascinate or X" threads and figured I'd post my questions/concerns in one rather than starting yet another new thread.
Does the extra graphics processing power of the Fascinate really make much difference in anything but full-on 3D games? I doubt I'll ever do a TON of 3d gaming on my phone; I have a powerful desktop rig and a potent laptop for that. If the extra graphics power helps in other areas though, that may sway my decision.
Also, I've heard that the Fascinate has various software issues (
Engadget touched on several); are these problems fixable with an upgrade to 2.2 if/when it ever comes out or through rooting the phone and all the custom hacks that come along with rooting? The reason I'm giving up on my current phone is because I'm sick of the freezing and general 'tricks' it likes to play on me, and I refuse to get on the smartphone bandwagon if I'm just going to get more of the same.
I've heard that the Droid X has a 'locked bootloader'...whatever that means. I'm new to smartphones but quite experienced with computers, so I don't mind ripping into the device to get around whatever 'locks' Motorola has put on the device, but is this locked bootloader a big issue? I've tried to search and find info on this but haven't come up with much.
Finally, can the X keep up with the Fascinate in terms of sheer speed/processing power? I don't want a phone that'll feel slow doing day-to-day stuff, and I like to have a degree of future-proofing when I buy things like this. I've heard all sorts of claims on this topic but very little hard evidence; I've heard some people claim that the Droid X is without a doubt faster, but I've also heard people claim that the Fascinate's processor is simply the best available in a smartphone and that it'll only get a billion-jillion times better when Froyo drops.
Both of these phones have a lot to like, but not even several trips to the Verizon store to play with them in person and many days of digging through these forums and other online resources has been able to get me off the fence