sorry for the delay in replying.
Thanks for the tether app, seems none of them work very well, do they? all are tricky.
As far as photo viewing / editting, I really liked Resco Photo Manager. It offers picture gallery, viewing and slider based editting for contrast, color, brightness, cropping etc. It's really the best "pocket" editor I ever found, even if it still could be improved upon.
I've tried several picture apps from the market, but the gallery that comes with CM7 is the best of them all. I will try the one you mention.
The media player I really liked was CorePlayer - that thing is great! Video color adjustments as well as a 10 band EQ for audio. Now if only they would port it to Droid
Thanks for the tether app, seems none of them work very well, do they? all are tricky.
As far as photo viewing / editting, I really liked Resco Photo Manager. It offers picture gallery, viewing and slider based editting for contrast, color, brightness, cropping etc. It's really the best "pocket" editor I ever found, even if it still could be improved upon.
I've tried several picture apps from the market, but the gallery that comes with CM7 is the best of them all. I will try the one you mention.
The media player I really liked was CorePlayer - that thing is great! Video color adjustments as well as a 10 band EQ for audio. Now if only they would port it to Droid