Droid X has average signal loss when compared to other phones

The post was to show that the X does lose signal if held in a certain manner. Should have titled it differently. I am a charred hulk right now.
Clearly needs more !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If I wrap my head and phone with tinfoil I can't see anything
I'm not too concern about antenna. My only concern is dropped calls. I have my phone since Friday. I have yet to drop a call. A couple of calls were over an hour. That's all I care. To me no comparison.
This is stupid.

It's a phone. It has an antenna. It needs a way to get service.

It's not designed to be held upside down, backwards, in your left hand, but up to your right ear. Just be normal and hold it like a phone should be and you won't have a problem.

The iphone 4 is another story.....
This Just In: The newly released Motorola Droid X from Verizon is subject to the laws of physics! We talked to Emma Dinkins of Gary Indiana who said that her Droid X sometimes fell to the ground when she simply removed her hand from it. "I can't keep a phone that gets all banged up just doing what I normally do," the long-time Verizon customer said. She said she plans to return the phone and sign on with AT&T for the new iFun4. When asked about possible antenna problems, Ms. Dinkins responded by frothing at the mouth and screaming spit-flecked obscenities at this reporter. We noticed a shady character with bad hair and an Apple Inc. name tag lurking outside Ms. Dinkin's house as we fled, where she lives with her husband Roy and forty-two cats.
This Just In: The newly released Motorola Droid X from Verizon is subject to the laws of physics! We talked to Emma Dinkins of Gary Indiana who said that her Droid X sometimes fell to the ground when she simply removed her hand from it. "I can't keep a phone that gets all banged up just doing what I normally do," the long-time Verizon customer said. She said she plans to return the phone and sign on with AT&T for the new iFun4. When asked about possible antenna problems, Ms. Dinkins responded by frothing at the mouth and screaming spit-flecked obscenities at this reporter. We noticed a shady character with bad hair and an Apple Inc. name tag lurking outside Ms. Dinkin's house as we fled, where she lives with her husband Roy and forty-two cats.

Hey man. Your post was funny until you got to the 42 cats. Is there something wrong with living with 42 cats? :D
A couple of things:

  • The original poster needs to edit the post and remove the "iPhone" from the Title... this is NOT anything like the iPhone 4 issue. The iPhone 4's antenna is designed poorly on the outside edge of the phone AND the problem exists for anyone that holds the iPhone 4 in a NORMAL fashion. The Droid X put their antenna at the top of the phone (where almost no one I know holds the phone normally), and it is also placed inside the phone itself.
  • If the signal does, in fact, weaken when held in a certain way, this kind of proves my point that the iPhone 4 issues are at least in part due to the carrier. Perhaps if the iPhone 4 was on Verizon's network, the signal would weaken, however not weaken so much that it drops calls and/or data connectivity.
this is a known issue and has been discussed by moto.. the use of a case eliminates this problem from what i hear.. apparently it has to do with skin to phone contact that causes the issue.. but good news is you have to fully encompass the top portion of your phone