droid x running cm9 ...


Active Member
Jan 3, 2010
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i have cm9 on my X but i want to know if its possible to revert back to 621 via sbf ?

i may sell the phone and so i want to return it to stock if thats the case.

ive had the wifi break on me once when reverting to the milestone 604 update, but i was able to fix it (the mac kept changing) ....

posted via android
thanks, do you know if it would result in a broken wifi again ?

im concerned because im going from android 4.0 back to 2.3

posted via android
Don't see why it would affect your wifi. I know there was a wifi fix that you would flash if you wanted to install a blur based rom on 621/604. That info should also be in the link i gave you but don't think you'll have an issue just sbfing to stock 621.

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i've had this issue before, when going from cm7 to cm9, and in between with 602, 605, and 604. the first time it happened i did not know how to fix it and so i returned the phone for a replacement.

this time around some reading, a zip download, and some commands issued in terminal fixed the problem.

but when reverting back to 621, i fear that may happen again. going back to 621 unrooted would be to sell the phone, but i'd have to drill past the activation screen, check the wifi. if it breaks i would have to sbf again to another rom, root, fix the problem, then sbf again to 621. even then i can't be sure without activating it again and checking the wifi.

so maybe i'll leave the phone alone with cm9 and sell it rooted, not sure. i would at least like to see if i can replace the cyanogenmod boot animation with the stock droid x boot animation.