So, I'm gonna beat a dead horse here.
I just received my DX this past Saturday from Wirefly, the first thing I noticed was when I powered it on it hung at the boot logo (M), it has done that several other times since when I have to reboot it, I end up pulling the battery and all is good, I don't have any lag or freezing. The weird thing is, when it's stuck at the boot logo eventually I can hear my SD card initialize and the phone turn on, all I see is the "M" logo though, I was feeling around on the phone downby the slide lock and I could feel a haptic response, it's like it booted up in the background just fine but all I saw was the boot logo, that's when I pull the battery and usually all boots up just fine afterwards. That was Verizon stock OS.
I have since rooted, installed chevyno1's ROM for the DX and changed my boot logo to a custom logo, it still happens sometimes when I reboot, that's why I'm assuming it's a build issue and a known problem. The OTA update was downloaded yesterday by accident because I wasn't quick enough to choose "later", I have since renamed the upgrader.apk to .bak and renamed to .bak as well so I won't get the OTA updates in the future, I'm still on 2.3.15 until I know it works with my ROM or another ROM comes out using the new 2.3.340.