Droid X

Thanks for the informative thread, all.

I was getting mentally prepared to bequeath my beloved Droid to my roommate and jump to the X. I do a LOT of reading on the device so I was really looking forward to the larger screen.

After reading this I may just wait a bit and keep my ear to the ground. I'm too much a hacker (well, an armchair hacker, at any rate) to live comfortably with an unhackable device.
Are they saying that the Droid 2 will also have a locked bootloader??
I am going to be one sad panda if they lock out the droid pro too
I believe I read on droidlife that the eFuse rumor is a load of sh*t and is include in the milestone and droid 1 as well. Neither of which have blown up.
included and enabled are not the same.
Wonder if/when they'll crack the bootloader on it.

in all honesty it doesn't sound good. the milestone has had a similar system in place and after ~9 months they have yet to break it without hardware modifications.

i heard that it was even worse in the case of the droid x, as they employ what is called an eFUSE. basically, if you try to load something on to the device that is not signed properly, then the phone bricks itself and the only way to get it working again is to send it to motorola, where they can open it up an reprogram it at the chip/circuit board level (using a method known as JTAG). i may be wrong about some of the specifics but this is what i remember hearing from birdman/p3droid, so feel free to correct me

Edit: this means that in order to even TRY to crack the bootloader, you better be willing to brick your device, because every failed attempt will result in a brick

seems like an awful waste of a good device to me.

it has been confirmed that the whole conjecture that eFuse would be used to potentially brick the droid x has been debunked, as motorola has officially responded to Engaget on the topic HERE.

i apologize if my explanation confused anyone about this technology, as all of the droid, milestone, droid x, and droid 2, do or most likely will come with eFuse, and it IS used to verify signatures at boot-time. the conjecture that the phone will brick on a failed signature is not true, however. it appears that motorola has chosen the same implementation as they have for milestone, in that a failed signature results in booting into the recovery partition.

this is good news in that hacking can be attempted on the device, but also quite sad as hacking the milestone has been anything but successful. but it's a step in the right direction :)
"Motorola has been a long time advocate of open platforms"

My DX is rooted but im having trouble with adb, its saying I dont have permission to push files. Did I miss something. Just trying to finish installing nextheme on my X was thinking of editing it up as I had it on my Moto droid. I just want to make sure I can make it all work before I try my own tests. Then i'll know if it doesnt work after its cause of something I did.

I want my mickey mouse theme ported to the X.



The middle pic was before I did the framework, this was on on my moto droid 1.
Hope to port it to the DX soon as I learn a bit more about it. I've had my X for about 40 minutes and its up and running smoothly rooted :)
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Now I have a Droid X that is not connected to any network other then my house wifi. Is it possible to make phone calls via wifi? (free)
Any and all help is greatly appreciated. I am willing to root if needed, I have no experience with hacking a droid but Im sure it not to different from what Ive done to my PSP
You can't make calls for free. And we will discuss hacking but not how you can hack into Verizon to make calls, just be aware of that.

You can use your X for anything data via wifi. You can text if you have Google Voice for free but you cannot make calls. You can download apps, root if you want to and use apps that are made for rooted phones.
What home phone service do you have? If you have vonage you can turn your phone into a mobile vonage phone with the vonage app, however you have to be on wifi or 3g (and no service locks you into wifi only). Your other option is skype mobile, however the calls are only free between skype to skype, and again you will have to have wifi.
Any call to a land line using skype I have heard is like 2.99 per call...

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You can't make calls for free. And we will discuss hacking but not how you can hack into Verizon to make calls, just be aware of that.

No intention of hacking into verizon to make calls, just was wondering if there was an ability to use wifi to make calls. And the hacking, if you have AIM or Xfire Id love to discuss this over the messanger then in a forum (For the fact that if I have a question I may ask you directly) if not Id still appreciate any help you have to offer on the forum to me

My home button is stuck and unresponsive. Is it possible to remove the button without doing further damage? I was thinking of spraying it with compressed air. I went to Verizon but they are worthless. The answer to everything is to get a new phone. I luv my x and want to hold out for the prime or razr.


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You might be able to reroute your home button. I've never done this, but I know others have when a button stopped working.