wipe data and it will work install both b4 rebooting.
Hi myfishbear, I wiped/reset, installed the patch, and it still doesn't work. I'm using the droid4HD-full version. Also, when you say "both", what is the other .zip file besides "Google Now v6 fixed.zip" that I need to install? My process to install:
1. Factory Wipe in SS 3.05
2. Flash Droid4HD-full
3. Flash Google Now v6 fixed.zip
4. --= Reboot =--
5. Flash 1400OC
6. Flash speedscript v4
(I tried it before flashing the OC/speedscript, and no go..)
The strange thing is that I see a "Card" for my ETA to work in the status bar, but as soon as I launch Google Search, or long press the search button, it looks like it will start, and then just dies.
Any other thoughts? Thanks so much for this ROM. I've been using CM10 as a daily driver for a while, mostly because I've become dependent on Google Now, but miss some of the things like camera flash, and I can't scan barcodes using ShopSavvy or any of the barcode apps with any of the 4.2.x based ROM's.
If I can get Google Now working on this ROM, it may hold me over until Moto comes out with an official JB ROM for the D4