My DROID has fallen & can't stand up! (By itself, that is...)
There would be no better way to do conference calls, listen to music, watch movies, and simply see the time day or night. The design of this stand is genius and would be the perfect compliment for my little buddy who I can't live without / depend upon daily.
Just like when a DROID commercial comes on T.V. and my kids come running to me in excitement--if I were blessed with an ezeStand, I'd come runn'in for every phone call or notification with the same giddy glee.
In any event, I come to all of my wonderful and fellow DROID owners to say this: If I were to ever win something in my life, this is right up there with winning the lottery. Rest assued the ezeStand will have not only a treasured place in my office and by my bed, but in my heart as well. My DROID will be proudly displayed for all of my iDrone co-workers to drool over! <And hopefully will add to our ranks when their contracts come up.>
Thank you,
- Mega