One would think that a forum on droids would NOT be subject to annoyances such as NO blinking cursor here (in this reply box) or when clicking on 'search box'???? Obviously, when typing and would like to insert a word or make a correction, its hit or miss/trial&error as to where the cursor should be. If this forum can't provide a solution to this, how can other solutions given be trusted?????
Let me see if I can answer some of your questions. Please bear in mind, I am only a visitor here and my views do not represent those of the administrators or owners of this board, only my own personal opinion, and only I should be held accountable for them.
1st of all there are a lot of people here, well beyond the great people that put this together and those that help keep it running smoothly, that help provide answers to problem and or questions with the Droid.
Second, this is a forum with questions and answers about a phone, and not a BBS. Yes, vBulletin may have some issues, most OpenSource or free bulletin boards do... and they get fixed... eventually.
Third... you interject in the middle of a conversation, and you don't understand why you get a reply that isn't directed at your question? Really? OK, well see when you join in a conversation, you get the next reply to the thread (at least, depending on your settings) whether it is to you or a reply to somebody else in the conversation. Pretty standard BBS stuff.
Obviously it would be nice if the cursor blinked in the proper location. And reporting it in a civil tone in case (since you don't know if they have already reported it back to the developers of the BBS) would certainly garner you a better reply.
But being a smug, self-important jack-ass only gets you a reply from an angry member that doesn't appreciate your asinine tone. You have gotten more than your money's worth out of what you paid (nothing) to be a member of this community.