Well, sending this post from my 3rd bionic over a 4g signal...let's see how this goes.
The phone is on .902; I'm contemplating leaving it
The phone is on .902; I'm contemplating leaving it
Its rather obvious from all the folks who are on the ICS leaks that its not the network that's the problem, and it's really not likely to be the individual phone itself either. Maybe in a few isolated cases, but pretty much everyone who has FXZ'd back to 902, updated OTA to 905, then applied the 232 leak of ICS is golden. I've even done it without losing any of my apps/data and have zero data drops now. I was getting them 4-9x per day before, even on 905.
rocketsaucev2 said:Wow man. Just sending out an update, this replacement bionic has been awesome. Im really happy Verizon was so helpful (customer service over the phone NOT in store). This bionic is one of the ones I feel matches what the bionic should have been all along. I don't want any other phone on the market right now.
Just before the Android update makes it even sweeter. This phone, in a full working state and in 4g service, is a powerhouse. Lovin it right now!
Wow man. Just sending out an update, this replacement bionic has been awesome. Im really happy Verizon was so helpful (customer service over the phone NOT in store). This bionic is one of the ones I feel matches what the bionic should have been all along. I don't want any other phone on the market right now.
Just before the Android update makes it even sweeter. This phone, in a full working state and in 4g service, is a powerhouse. Lovin it right now!
Its rather obvious from all the folks who are on the ICS leaks that its not the network that's the problem, and it's really not likely to be the individual phone itself either.
lisalisa13 said:what is the look out app? my 4g almost never works since the 905 update, really tired of it but scared to root, never done it.
redspawnsilver said:if you update to .232 it is not rooting it, there is a way back, it will be fine... Felt the same way a few days ago but .232 works great!
lisalisa13 said:ok, so think i might have to jump on the bandwagon, really tired of not having service. i know I've asked before, but how? instructions or link for a non tech savvy person please lol. Also need to know how to get back