Oh yeah well forgot to zip the pocket on my jump suit and droid plummeted to the earth at over 200 mph in a full dive until it deployed it's superdroid app and stopped and hovered at 5 ft until I landed. No damage
Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk
I had a similar situation occur when I was in the middle of a light saber duel recently. My enemy took a stab at me - right at the heart. My Droid was, fortunately, in my shirt pocket, under my pocket protector. As soon as the light saber came within an inch of it, the "Midichlorian Engage" app... well, it engaged. I was able to instantly, with my mind of course, lift the Droid out of my pocket, and launch it directly at my enemy's light saber, slicing his "weapon" in half. I then opened the slide-out keyboard, again with my mind, and put it into an incredibly fast frisbee spin, basically turning it into a spinning razor. Before I had a chance to force-push it at my enemy, he ran away.
If you're interested in the Midi-Engage app, I have the .apk. It's in a closed beta, but the Counsel isn't too picky about handing it out as, obviously, you may or may not even be able to use it.
Oh, and after all of that, my Droid came out with only minor indications it had been in contact with the heat of the light saber - mainly, setcpu had kicked it into safe mode...